
        隨着炎熱而悠長的暑假過去, 我期待著各位老師和同學再次回到葉紀南紀念中學。 在這個環境清幽的校園,大家聚首一堂不但可以呼吸這裏新鮮的空氣,還可以遠眺山林,我深信葉中能給予我們一個良好學習的好地方。

        2017/2018年度不單是一個新學年的開始,對我來說亦是一個新挑戰的開始,我懷着既興奮又緊張的心情來到葉中大家庭,接替榮休的郭民亮校長。 我很榮幸來到這所中學擔任校長一職,學校給予我感覺是一所師生歸屬感十分濃厚的校園,感謝郭校長過去38年來為學校的奉獻,對葉中的發展根基作出巨大貢獻,令學生、老師及家長們都十分關懷及愛護學校。八月廿六日晚,我有幸參與由舊生會舉辦的 <舊生會聚會暨郭校長榮休晚宴>,當晚超過300多位舊生於學校禮堂出席聚會,場面不但熱鬧而且亦十分溫馨,不少畢業了幾十年的舊生們還帶同自己的下一代,於禮堂與恩師們共同分享當年情,緬懷昔日的點滴及細說當年不少的趣事,同時亦向他們尊敬的郭sir(郭校長)送上感謝及祝福,聚會上也有不少離職及退休多年的老師們於當晚回校與舊生們暢聚,當晚每一個情境,都讓我深深感受到葉中是一所師生情十分濃厚的學校。

        我希望於未來的日子,在郭校長及專業的老師們過去努力耕耘的基礎上,努力為學校營造一個愉快學習的空間,培養學生能時時刻刻不斷裝備自我及尋找學習的機會; 同時亦為學生建立積極的人生觀和正面的價值觀,培養學生擁有優良品格,成為社會上有責任感和有貢獻的公民,了解世界發展的需要,並以各種方式在不同範疇上竭力回饋社會。


        各位同學們,一起加油吧! 願共勉之!  





蘇家樑 校長


1 September 2017


     As the long hot summer has gone, I am expecting every student and teacher to come back to YKN. On such a tranquil and beautiful campus, we can not only breathe in fresh air but also overlook the woods. I firmly believe that YKN can provide us a good place for learning.

     The academic year 2017/2018 is not only a commencement of a new school year but also a beginning of a new challenge to me. Being excited and nervous, I am honoured to take up the post of the principal after Mr. Kwok, former principal of YKN. My impression is that students and teachers have a strong sense of belonging to the school. I feel grateful to Mr. Kwok for his 38 years’ contributions, especially important to its foundation, which enables students, teachers and parents to love and care our school. In the evening of 26 August, I was honoured to attend the ‘Alumni Gathering cum Retirement Banquet of Principal Kwok’ organized by Alumni Association. There were more than 300 alumni attending the event at the school hall, which was full love and care. Many alumni attended the occasion with their next generations and sharing their happy memories and anecdotes with their teachers. They also wished their respectable Principal Kwok best wishes. At the gathering, there were many teachers who had already left or retired sharing this delightful moment. Every scene of that night impresses me very much that this is a school of strong bonding between students and teachers.

     I hope that I will do my best to make our school become a place for happy learning and nurture our students so that they can equip themselves from time to time in the coming days, based on the foundation made by Principal Kwok and professional teachers; I will also help students establish a positive attitude and value, develop an excellent character and become a citizen of responsibility and contribution in society, understand the needs of global development and try their best to pay back through different means from different areas.

     In the new school year, I sincerely hope every student will set your own goal, seize every opportunity, uphold own belief, make efforts to fulfill your dreams and straining toward what is ahead, and you will achieve success.

     Let's cheer up and encourage each other in our endeavours.







Mr. So Ka Leung


佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
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地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
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