Coffee Workshop
2023-07-06 (星期四)
To widen students’ horizons and brush up their English, with the aroma of freshly roasted coffee in the air, students conversed with a barista and got a first taste of hand drip coffee and latte art. The experience left them with a newfound appreciation for the art of coffee brewing, feeling inspired to explore opportunities in the food and beverage industry. Thank you Browny Café for hosting this workshop in English for our S.3 students! 拓寬學生的視野並提高他們的英語水平, 中三同學在工作坊中,不但嘗試手沖咖啡,更有機會向咖啡師使用英語了解更多行業知識,並第一次嘗試手沖咖啡和拉花。
佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 7836497
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
電話(Tel): 2495 3363
傳真(Fax): 2433 9009
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