Opening Ceremony 開學禮
2023-09-04 (星期一)
As super typhoon Saola hit Hong Kong on 1st September (Friday), the Opening Ceremony was postponed to 4th September (Monday). Despite the sudden change, everyone was ready for the start of the new academic year! 由於超強颱風「蘇拉」於9月1日(星期五)吹襲香港,開學禮延期至9月4日(星期一)。 儘管變化突如其來,但大家都已經做好了迎接新學年開始的準備!
佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 7185317
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
電話(Tel): 2495 3363
傳真(Fax): 2433 9009
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