2023-11-25 (星期六)
二零二三年開放日花絮 (mp4)

11月25日,本校迎來了許多小學教師、學生和家長來到校園,成為有史以來參加人數最多的資訊日暨開放日。 例如今年的STEAM比賽,參賽作品數量非常多。 他們參加了各種充滿樂趣的活動和比賽。 比賽在學校禮堂進行,參賽者們相互比拼,精彩可期。 老師和學生大使發起了繪畫、校園參觀、互動工作坊、科技與實驗演示、攤位遊戲等活動。 蘇校長為所有努力完成各項任務的參賽者頒發了證書、獎牌和獎盃等獎品。 這些精心設計的活動和比賽不僅具有教育意義,而且鼓舞人心。 所有紀念品和活動專屬鑰匙圈均以先到先得的方式免費贈送,送完即止。

Our school welcomed a lot of primary school teachers, students and parents to its campus on 25 November, making it the most attended Information Day cum Open Day ever. For example, there were a huge number of entries for this year's STEAM competition. They participated in various kinds of fun-filled activities and competitions. The participants competed among one another spectacularly throughout the competition at the school hall. There were paintings, campus tours, interactive workshops, technology and experiment demonstrations, booth games, etc. launched by our teachers and student ambassadors. Principal So presented numerous prizes including certificates, medals and trophies to all participants who tried their very best to complete all the assigned tasks successfully. These well-designed activities and competitions were not only educational but also inspiring. All souvenirs and the event-exclusive key holders were given as free gifts on a first-come-first-served basis while stock lasted.

佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 8,767,443
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
電話(Tel): 2495 3363
傳真(Fax): 2433 9009
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