參觀Outback Steakhouse
2024-07-05 (星期五)
英語在這裡;英語在那裡;英語無處不在。 在2024年7月5日,我們的學生參觀了位於奧海城的Outback Steakhouse了解餐廳的運作。抵達後,學生們受到了專業工作人員的熱情迎接,並帶他們參觀了餐廳的廚房。 在參觀期間,我們的學生有機會參加由Outback Steakhouse 員工團隊領導的實作活動。在經驗豐富的員工指導下,他們嘗試製作清爽的沙律和飲料。這次實作經驗不僅讓學生們學會實用的食物準備技巧,也讓他們體會到餐飲業對細節的一絲不苟。 除了烹飪活動外,學生們還接受了適當的餐桌禮儀和下單程序的指導。透過使用英語與工作人員交流,學生們能夠在現實環境中練習和提高他們的語言技能。 一天結束後,我們的學生帶著飽腹的心情離開了Outback Steakhouse,對餐廳營運有了新的了解,溝通能力也得到了增強。這種實踐經驗為我們的學生提供了寶貴的見解和實踐知識,對他們的未來有益。

Visit to Outback Steakhouse

English is here; English is there; English is everywhere. On July 5, 2024, our students visited Outback Steakhouse located at Olympian City to gain an understanding of the restaurant’s operations. Upon arrival, the students were warmly greeted by the professional staff, who provided them with a behind-the-scenes tour of the establishment.

During the visit, our students had the unique opportunity to participate in hands-on activities led by the Outback Steakhouse staff. Under the guidance of the experienced staff, they tried their hand at creating refreshing salads and beverages. This hands-on experience not only allowed the students to develop practical food preparation skills, but also gave them a deeper appreciation for the meticulous attention to detail required in the restaurant industry.

In addition to the culinary activities, the students also received instruction on proper table etiquette and order placement procedures. By using English to communicate with the staff, the students were able to practise and improve their language skills in a real-world setting.

By the end of the day, our students left Outback Steakhouse with full stomachs, new knowledge about restaurant operations, and enhanced communication abilities. This hands-on experience provided our students with valuable insights and practical knowledge that will be beneficial for their future.

佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 7836511
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
電話(Tel): 2495 3363
傳真(Fax): 2433 9009
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