2024-07-09 (星期二)
7月9日,有許多孩子和家長從內地來到我校進行校園參觀。這是他們進一步了解我校的絕佳機會。校長致開幕詞後,大家參觀了我校的實驗室、學校圖書館、英語閱讀角、英語角、數學學習中心、健身房、家政室、劇院、畫廊、校園電視台、蘭亭聚等。我們的英語老師和綜合科學老師為他們進行了充滿樂趣的學科學習活動。On 9th July, there were many children and parents coming to our school for the campus tour from the Mainland. This was a golden opportunity for them to have a deeper understanding about our school. After the opening speech by Principal, they visited our laboratory, school library, English Reading Corner, English Corner, Math Learning Hub, Gym Room, Home Economics Room, Theatre, Gallery, Campus TV, Orchid Pavilion and so on. Our Native English-speaking teacher and Integrated Science teacher conducted fun-filled subject-based learning activities for them.