





        本校戲劇學會兵分兩路,參加了本年度香港學校戲劇節中學中文組(廣東話)及英文組的比賽。因疫情所限,排練時間及活動空間都大受限制,但兩組同學都展現出高度的自律及自發精神,不斷精益求精,務求以最佳的狀態參與此次網上演出。最後,除英文組得到傑出整體演出獎外,中文組更勇奪戲劇節最高殊榮 ——「評判推介演出獎」,證明同學的表現得到評判高度的認可。本年度學校戲劇節參賽隊伍逾四百五十隊。要在芸芸參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,絕非易事,學生的積極參與至為重要。戲劇學會主席 4A 鄭鞍翹同學帶領兩組同學參賽之餘,亦憑其出色的表現獲頒多個個人獎項,包括:


        中學英文組:Outstanding Script、Outstanding Performer






      另外,本校亦於這個不一樣的假期中,參與了全港教育科技挑戰賽並榮獲全場冠軍及亞軍,來自4A班的同學「AI姿勢檢測工具」設計勇奪冠軍;而5A班的同學亦憑「Learning Education Tree」設計獲得亞軍,實可喜可賀!




蘇家樑 校長



25 May 2022


A Unique Vacation


I still remember when the epidemic just stabilized last semester and everyone thought that full-time face-to-face classes could resume, they were caught off guard by the sudden fifth wave of the epidemic. This unprecedented 'special vacation' has suspended all normal learning activities, but the school's operations cannot come to a standstill. It is not easy for the school to handle the situation immediately.


The S6 mock exam, originally scheduled to be held in February, was forced to be conducted online. Fortunately, the teachers and students cooperated actively and completed the preparations for the online exams within a very short period of time, which has been successfully launched. Although the process may not be perfect, it can at least give students a rare exam opportunity to prepare for the upcoming HKDSE examination. The efforts of teachers and students are worthy of appreciation. On the other hand, in this unique vacation, teachers and students did not stop learning activities due to the severe epidemic but seized the opportunity to actively participate and achieved very bright results.



The Drama Society of our school consists of two groups participating in the competition of the secondary Chinese (Cantonese) and English groups of this year's Hong Kong Schools Drama Festival. Due to the constraints of the epidemic, the rehearsal time and activity space were greatly limited, but both groups of students showed a high degree of self-discipline and spontaneity and continued to strive for excellence in order to participate in this online performance in the best state. In the end, together with the Outstanding Overall Performance Award for the English group, the Chinese group also won the highest honor of the festival — the ‘Judges' Recommended Performance Award’, which proves that the performance of the students is highly recognized by the judges. More than 450 teams participated in this year's Schools Drama Festival. It is difficult to stand out in the competition, so the active participation of students is very important. Apart from leading the two groups of students to participate in the competition, Chairperson of the Drama Society, 4A Cheng On Kiu, also received a number of individual awards for her outstanding performances, including:


Secondary School English Group: Outstanding Script, and Outstanding Performer

Secondary School Cantonese Group: Outstanding Actor Award, Outstanding Director Award, and Outstanding Screenplay Award


Mr. Cheng Chun Yip, teacher in charge of the Drama Society, praised her: 'Student Cheng has participated in drama activities for the third year. From when she was in junior form, she didn't dare to express herself, and only observed and studied on the sidelines. Now that she has been entrusted with important tasks this year, she has made great achievements. It's rare. Besides writing scripts, she also works hard to study characters and situations. She can play both a happy and lively clown, and she can play a deep and restrained role. Her acting talent is limitless.' The results of the students' efforts are obvious to all.



In addition, our school also participated in the Hong Kong Education Technology Challenge during this special vacation and won the overall championship and runner-up. Students from Class 4A won the championship in the design of the 'AI Posture Detection Tool'; and students from Class 5A also won the championship. Congratulations for winning the runner-up with the design of 'Learning Education Tree'!


Congratulations to all the award-winning students, I hope you will continue to work hard, have the courage to try and maintain the spirit of learning to face difficulties. No matter in any difficult situation, you can break through yourself and draw a wonderful life. I am proud of you!


Mr. So Ka Leung

佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 7836519
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
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