2024-02-26 (星期一)
本校於2024年2月2日舉辦傑出學生表揚茶聚,以嘉許本學年於學業、品行及課外活動表現傑出的學生,同時培養學生餐桌禮儀與社交技巧。今年本校十分榮幸邀得獨立校董劉洪文燕女士,擔任主禮嘉賓,劉校董於表揚茶聚上鼓勵同學們向目標前進,即使遇到任何困難,也要迎難而上,全力以赴,直到實現目標。 表揚茶聚亦設由本校學生歌唱及舞蹈的表演環節,讓嘉賓及家長品嚐由學生親自烹調的餐飲美食及欣賞精彩的表演。在祝酒儀式後,播放了表揚茶聚當日的精華片段及事前由劉校董主持的禮儀訓練的活動花絮,為傑出學生表揚茶聚劃上圓滿句號。Outstanding Students Ceremony
The Outstanding Students Ceremony was held on 2nd February, 2024 to commend students with outstanding academic performance, conduct and extra-curricular activities this school year, to cultivate their table manners and to social skills. This was our honour to have Mrs Linda Lau Hung Man-yin, independent school supervisor, as the officiating guest this year. At the ceremony, she encouraged students to face the music and go all out until they achieve the goals. The singing and dancing performances by students were included, allowing the guests and parents to taste the food and drinks cooked by the students themselves and enjoy the wonderful performances. After the toasting ceremony, the highlight video clips of the ceremony and the etiquette training hosted by Mrs Lau were played, bringing the ceremony to a successful conclusion.