2022-12-03 (星期六)
本校於二零二二年十二月三日(星期六)舉行中一入學資訊日暨頒獎禮,當日節目豐富,包括英語話劇表演、攤位遊戲及校園導賞等。當天更特設頒獎禮,藉以表揚一眾學生積極參與本校舉辦的比賽及活動,包括:葉紀南敬師心意咭填色比賽、葉紀南中文硬筆書法比賽、YKN English Writing Competition、YKN English Calligraphy Competition、YKN English Bookmark Design Competition、「葉紀南盃」數學挑戰賽及第九屆「葉紀南盃」小學五人足球邀請賽。而當天即日進行的STEM「快如疾風——機械人編程比賽」更深受歡迎,賽後亦即時公布成績及頒獎。是次活動在一片歡樂聲和掌聲中圓滿結束,來賓亦盡興而歸。
Our school organized the Info Day cum Prize-Presentation Ceremony on 3 December 2022 (Saturday). There were lots of activities on that day, including English drama performances, game booths and campus tours. The ceremony was also held to commend the students for their active participation in the competitions and activities organized by our school, including YKN Respecting Teacher Card Colouring Competition, YKN Chinese Calligraphy Competition, YKN English Writing Competition, YKN English Calligraphy Competition, YKN English Bookmark Design Competition, "YKN Cup" Mathematics Challenge and the 9th "YKN Cup" Primary School Invitational Tournaments. On the same day, the "YKN STEM Competition - Robot in a Flash" was well-received, and the results were announced and the awards were presented immediately after the competitions. The events came to a successful conclusion with joy and applause.