English Week (Day Three) Hall Assembly Presentation
2024-01-15 至 19
活動類別:English Corner
We focused on introducing different kinds of food around the world. Students learned to recognize that people from different countries ate different food, identified and described a typical dish from their country and understood basic issues related to world hunger. Step-by-step teacher’s notes and student worksheets were included.
English Week (Day One) Kahoots
English Week (Day One) Catch Me If You Can
English Week (Day Two) Guessing Game
English Week (Day Two) Detective Games
English Week (Day Three) Time Flies
English Week (Day Three) Hall Assembly Presentation
English Week (Day Four) Film Appreciation
English Week (Day Four) Actions Speak Louder Than Words
English Week (Day One - Day Five) Song Dedication
English Week (Day One - Day Five) Morning Assembly Announcement
Lunchtime English Activities
佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 7187087
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
電話(Tel): 2495 3363
傳真(Fax): 2433 9009
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