
        今年的開學禮十分特別,我們首次利用網上形式進行,雖然未能一如以往般在學校門前歡迎大家,但相信同學們在家中也期待與各位老師在網上見面。記起每年開學時候,我通常都會問老師和同學:「你們暑假做了什麼?去過什麼地方玩?」但今年沒有,因為相信大家與我一樣,今年都過了一個十分疲倦和充滿憂慮的暑假,對嗎?本港在年初受 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情影響,全港學校一直未能正常上課。在停課期間,同學們透過不同模式在家學習,實踐「停課不停學」,不少同學和家長需要面對各種前所未見的挑戰,在種種困難下一定承受着很大的壓力。我想借此機會再一次跟大家分享以下的故事:









蘇家樑 校長


8 September 2020

Fight the Epidemic Together

This year’s school opening ceremony is very special as it is our first time to launch it online. Instead of greeting you all at the front gate as before, I am sure that students are enthusiastic about meeting every teacher online. I also recall that on the previous school open days, I often asked students and teachers, ‘What do you do during summer holidays? Where do you tour around?’ But, like all of you, I don’t do so this year. A tiring summer holiday full of anxiety has just come to an end, hasn’t it? Due to the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of this year, classes have been suspended among all the schools in Hong Kong. During the class suspension period, students learned at home via various modes, fulfilling the spirit of ‘suspending classes without suspending learning’. Some students and parents had to face different kinds of unprecedented challenges, shouldering great pressure. I would like to make use of this opportunity to share with you the following story:

 ‘There was a person finding a lot of delicacies on the dining table in front of him in his dream, but he himself and the people on his sides couldn’t eat anything. What’s the reason? This was because a witch had cast a spell on each of them so that they couldn’t bend their both hands. As a result, all of them felt especially upset because they couldn’t put the food inside their mouths with open eyes, thinking of dying of hunger soon! At that moment, there came gusts of laughter upstairs. That man went upstairs searching and discovered that the people there had almost finished all the food on the dining table with smiling faces even though they couldn’t bend their both hands, either. Why? In fact, the people there helped each other. Though they themselves couldn’t bend their both hands, they picked up the food and put it into the mouths of others. Thus, each of them could eat different kinds of delicacies.’

This story carries an important message: situated in the difficult situation together, only when we look after each other can we turn the hell into a heaven.

We appreciate the self-discipline and positive attitude of every student towards all changes. With joint efforts from parents and teachers, most students can study at home. I am grateful for all to your wholehearted support. May you find happiness through difficulties as in the aforementioned story.

As the school life has resumed gradually, may the pandemic vanish and students come back to school, studying happily and growing healthily so as to enjoy the campus life in YKN. We need to pay extra attention to personal and environmental hygiene during the anti-epidemic period.

I wish you good life and happiness.


Mr. So Ka Leung


佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 7836519
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
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電話(Tel): 2495 3363
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